Village Life Wiki

Welcome to the Village Life Wiki!

Presumably, you have found your way here because you are playing Village Life, either online through Facebook, or via an app1. Good choice - it will provide you with endless hours of fun. The casual player can enjoy the frustration of having your villagers want items that aren't even available to you yet, and the more hardcore gamer can participate in the events that are occasionally impossible to complete without spending gems.

Here, you can find out information on just about anything to do with the game, be it exactly what you need to make a certain Shelter, or farm that crop; be it discovering whether it is worth unlocking Food Store 3 yet; or exactly what that timed quest entails2.

Below are some links to get you started. Alternatively, you can search for the thing that puzzles you using the box above.


1. Personally, I would recommend playing via app if you can. It's a much faster game, overall, and it's easier to get videos to boost your gems. Playdemic also recommend playing via app because they much prefer to receive support requests that way. Apparently, email "takes a long time to process"... (23 hours vs 8 days and counting.)

2. I (Charity Angel) am currently the only editor. I haven't yet reached Level 100, so I certainly haven't seen everything. I am updating timed quests as I discover them. Please be patient, and you can update extra information in the comments at the bottom of the page if you have them.